Vaasa School Camp

The Vaasa city centre is just minutes away from the seaside, with stunning views that can be enjoyed on foot, by bike, or by boat or stand-up paddle board! Just a little further away, the gorgeous UNESCO World Natural Heritage scenery of the Kvarken archipelago and the fertile flatlands of the Ostrobothnian countryside await. Vaasa…

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Silmu Science School Camp in Pyhä

Silmu produces research- and curriculum-based teacher training and educational services with Finnish characteristics. The main focus is in phenomenal, student-centered and inquiry-based science education. Student-centered and inquiry-based science education The modern teaching of science is holistic and engaging Support the students to become more innovative More detail of the program: sample itinerary

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Kuortane School Camp

Kuortane is well known for the Kuortaneen urheilulukio, a sports institute (Olympic Training centre) and training facility where many young Finnish athletes study and train. More detail of the program: sample itinerary

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Summer School Camp in Paljakka Resort

Paljakka’s versatile nature offers nature in all its forms; hills, forest, lakes and streams. The summer school camp in Paljakka Resort offers a unique hiking experience in the untouched Finnish nature. More detail of the program: sample itinerary

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